Trust is Earned

We believe in earning your trust every day.

By being transparent and committed, we aim to build a sustainable company that offer great long-term value to our users.

Through the principle of Equivalent Exchange, we ensure that for every value we receive, we provide equal or greater value in return.

Our Mission

Make Crypto Honest and Transparent

We’re on a mission to change how finance works.

We share our financials publicly and in real-time, changing the very definition of what trust and transparency means for a company. Trust is only truly earned through action. We do rather than tell.

Transparent 3D structure that represents EQ Exchange (EQX) and the company's transparent operations to revolutionize trust in finance and crypto.

leading the way

We’re Doing
Something Big

We are committed to be the most trusted entry point for crypto. EQX is the first company to publicly disclose all financials in real-time, both on-chain and off-chain.

If we succeed, we can rebuild trust, increase accountability and transparency in the industry to make the space a better, safer place for all.

Our value

The Most Transparent Crypto Exchange

Real-Time Tracking

Unlike other exchanges, we track transactions in real-time so you always know where your money is - reducing stress and uncertainty, giving you peace of mind.

Fair Pricing

We don't believe in surge pricing. Pricing it straightforward, always. Our commitment to honesty means you'll always know what you're paying for.

Honesty at the Heart of Everything

Crypto exchanges can be a black box. We aim to fix that by having nothing to hide. We will publicly display our company financials in real-time, so that you know what's going on behind the scenes. Trust earned through action.